About John M. Packer & Associates

Unemployment Cost Control Program



STOP paying too much for unemployment compensation tax!
STOP paying on unemployment claims you don’t owe!
STOP being overcharged on legitimate claims!
STOP spending unnecessary tax dollars!
STOP the red tape!

START increasing your profits!


For over 30 years the TMTA has had an arrangement with Packer & Associates to provide unemployment compensation cost control services at a considerable discount.
Packer & Associates, unemployment compensation specialists for over 40 years, reports that TMTA members average a combined savings of over ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year! Your bill is calculated based on the number of employees reported to the Unemployment Agency each quarter.


The Unemployment Cost Management Program saves you by providing the following services:

  • Audit & verify all charges made for the preceding year for accuracy, correct all MESC errors and insure proper credit.
  • Completely track and process all present and future claims to prevent future costly errors.
  • Review every claim filed to determine eligibility. Monitor claims through their lifetime. Protest questionable claims.
  • File all protests and appeals on your behalf.
  • Provide professional representation (even an attorney, if necessary) at all referee and Board of Review hearings.
  • Verify tax rates and benefit charges to insure proper credit to your account.
  • Determine if there is an opportunity to reduce your tax rate – including voluntary contribution advice.
  • Provide advice on all matters relating to unemployment compensation along with educational workshops geared towards management

TMTA Contacts


Brian Packer

Call: 800-482-2971

Working Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.

map google_api_key=”AIzaSyBK9rS5FblIUw-7dM7h7VPMg6SZjELV3IQ” address=”San Francisco, CA, USA” address_lat=”42.358599845053″ address_lng=”-83.091153280693″ 600 East Lafayette Boulevard in Downtown Detroit, Michigan

BCBS Headquarters